
We welcome you to Saint Cecilia Parish!

We’re very glad you’ve decided to make St. Cecilia Parish your spiritual home. We’ve tried to make this page a one-stop shopping resource to help you get acquainted with your community and rapidly get plugged in to Parish life.

The first thing you should do is join us for Mass every Sunday! Click here for Mass times.

We invite you to become a registered parishioner so that we can keep you informed of parish happenings and events. Please return your completed form to the Parish Office during office hours (M-F, 8:30 am-4:30 pm), via U.S. mail, or in a collection basket at Mass. 



Giving time back to God is about using our time to strengthen and grow our relationship with God. We can do this in many ways:


We all have unique God-given gifts, ways in which we can work to build the Kingdom like no one else. But, we must remember that our gifts are given to us by God to be used not for ourselves, but for others! There are many ways we can do that and many ministry opportunities here at St. Cecilia parish. We hope that everyone at St. Cecilia finds at least one ministry in which they can use their talents for God’s will.


Once a year in the fall, we ask every registered member to consider what amount they can pledge to financially support the parish and its work. We prayerfully consider how we can work toward the Biblical tithe of 10% of our income – 5 % to our parish and 5 % to other charities and worthwhile causes and return that information to the parish. Online Giving is also encouraged, as it ensures on-time delivery of your pledged amount and reduces paper and postage. We can only do the things we do and offer the programs we offer because our members support the parish.

Faith Formation

There are many programs for the youth of St. Cecilia Parish.  Contact Stacy Dixon for more information.

– Baptism Education Classes

– Saint Cecilia Catholic School serves students ages 3 thru middle school

– Faith Formation Classes for students K – 8

– Youth Group & Confirmation prep for grades 7 and up

Faith Formation

Education and growth are for life! Watch the Sunday bulletin or contact Stacy Dixon about ways to grow your faith and enrich your life.

– RCIA: learn more about Catholicism

– Weekly Bible Study